Da ich im Moment sehr unkreativ, mit den Perlchen bin, möchte ich Euch einen Blumengruss zum Wochenende "schicken"
Since I am very uncreative at the moment, with the beads, I want "to send you" flower greeting for the weekend

Ich möchte mich ganz herzlich bei Mary bedanken, dass sie sich die Mühe des Monday Mosaics macht und uns daran teilhaben läßt.
Dieses Mosaik findet Ihr, am Montag auf Marys Blog: Little Red House
I would like to thank Mary for taking her time on Monday Mosaics and let us be part of it.
This one you can find Monday on Marys Blog: Little Red House
4 Kommentare:
What a lovely summer bouquet you've posted!
Thank you Pondside. I do love to grow and look at the flowers.
Beautiful flowers. It is funny, I have not been very creative lately either, but I think I'm moving back into that direction, lots of the hard summer work is getting finished now.
Well Jan, we didn't had no summer jet. *lol* Just thunderstorms, a lot of rain and just a few days of sunnshine.
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